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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Get auto insurance quotes with 10 simple steps

I. It’s true that everyone is asking for cheap car insurance policy, but a cheap car insurance quote turn into a nightmare at the time of filing a claim. Don’t divert whole of your mind on auto insurance quotes, always keep an eye on coverage provided by the auto insurance policy you are taking.

II. Try to raise your deductible amount. Auto insurance quotes will be directly related to deductible amount.

III. Model of car, make of car also matter when you request for auto insurance quote. If you own a sports car and want to get an auto insurance quote, definitely it will attract higher auto insurance rates.

IV. Drive carefully. It will be very tough for you to get lower auto insurance quote if you had two accidents and three speeding fines in the last year. Auto insurance companies count all these thing while offering you auto insurance quote.

V. Don’t forget installing anti theft and safety devices in your car. If your car is at less risk and safe, then it will be easier for you to find cheap car insurance quote.

VI. Before buying a new auto insurance policy close the older one.

VII. Renewal of auto insurance policy is also required at a fix time. Just paying for it is not the right solution.

VIII. Some times auto insurance companies provide multipolicy discountArticle Search, that’s don’t forget to look at your other insurers.

IX. Internet is good resource to search cheap car insurance quotes. You can even find discounts.

X. Read the fine print before singing policy.